North American Pairs (NAP)

2024-2025 North American Pairs (NAP)

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Special Conditions for District 1 – Qualification to the ACBL NAP Finals
ACBL Conditions of Contest and Qualifiers
Flyer (information on dates, locations and fees)

In complement to the ACBL Conditions of Contest (CoC), the following ACBL Conditions of Contest and Qualifiers describes how the representing pairs will be selected for participation for the ACBL NAP finals to be held at the Spring NABC in Memphis in March 2025.
– Flight A : Wednesday and Thursday, March 12 – 13, 2025
– Flights B & C : Saturday and Sunday, March 22 – 23, 2025

District Finals

Earn Gold Points!
District 1 typically holds “split flight finals”: one final takes place in the Eastern portion of the district (Units 194 & 230), and another in the Western portion of the district (Units 151, 152, 192 & 199).

This year, face-to-face split finals are planned for Flights B & C. Flight A, given its historically smaller table counts, will be held online via Bridge Base Online (BBO).

Flight A (Open) – Online BBO

  • District-wide final will be held Sunday November 3rd, 2024
  • Two-session event – 1st session starts at 10:00 ET – 11:00 AST.
  • $20USD per player event entry fee (collected by BBO)

Flight B (0-2500) (*)

  • East Final will be held Saturday November 2nd, 2024
  • West Final will be held Saturday November 2nd, 2024
  • Locations face-to-face
    • East Halifax Bridge World, Suite #312, 7071 Bayers Road, Halifax , Nova Scotia, B3L 2C2
    • West Pineview Golf Course 1471 Blair Road Ottawa, ON.
  • Two-session event. 1st session starts at 10:00.
  • $25CAN per player event entry fee (collected at time of entry)

Flight C (Non-Life Master under 500) (*)

  • East Final will be held Saturday November 9th, 2024
  • West Final will be held Saturday November 9th, 2024
  • Locations face-to-face
    • East Codiac Bridge Club, 720 Coverdale Rd Riverview, New Brunswick
    • West Bridge Quebec, 1600 St-Martin Boulevard EAST, Laval, QC
  • Two-session event. 1st session starts at 10:00.
  • $25CAN per player event entry fee (collected at time of entry)

(*) Although this is not required, players are encouraged to pre-register for the face-to-face event(s) for which they wish to play in order to plan the playing site capacity. An email should be sent to

District Representation at NAP Finals

Qualification and Subsidies

  • Historically District 1 has run F2F qualifiers with east and west games in all flights
  • Qualification and Subsidies are allocated to east and west players in accordance with notes below.
  • With advent of online games some qualifiers have been run online as single district wide games.
  • When qualifiers are run as district wide games qualification and subsidies will no longer be allocated on east/west basis but will be awarded to top finishers in order.


Flight A (Open) (Single district wide online qualifier)

  • District 1 can send three (3) pairs to the ACBL NAP finals.
    1st place: $700.00 subsidy per player from ACBL
    2nd place: $300.00 per player from ACBL
    3rd place earns the right to attend the finals with no ACBL subsidy.
  • If, for some reason, a place is forfeited, the next ranking pair will be moved up until the three pairs have been determined.

Flight B (0-2500) & Flight C (Non-Life Master under 500) (Separate East and West F2F) qualifiers

  • District 1 can send four (4) pairs to the ACBL NAP Finals.
    1st place: $700.00 subsidy per player from ACBL
    2nd place: $300.00 per player from ACBL
    3rd and 4th place: earn the right to attend the ACBL Finals with no ACBL subsidy.
  • In the even numbered years for the ACBL Finals, the 1st place subsidy, and the 3rd place non‑subsidized participation are awarded to the Western portion of District 1, the Eastern portion being awarded the 2nd place subsidy and 4th non-subsidized seat for the finals.
  • In the odd numbered years of the ACBL Finals, the 1st place subsidy, and the 3rd non‑subsidized participation are awarded to the Eastern portion, the Western portion being awarded the 2nd place subsidy and the 4th place non‑subsidized seat for the finals.
  • If, for some reason, 1st or 2nd place pair chooses not to attend the finals, their place will be offered to the next pair on the list of their portion of the district and that pair will receive the subsidy allotted to their district portion as described above. Each portion of the district goes down its own list to send two pairs.
  • If one portion of the district cannot fill its two seats for the ACBL NAP Finals, the available seat will be offered to the other portion of the district (and subsidy if applicable).

Player subsidies

Grass Roots” funds: It is the district board’s decision whether to allot some subsidy from the funds. Individual Units can also decide where or not to subsidize winning player from their Unit who will represent the district at the ACBL NAP Finals.

Eastern Canadian Bridge District

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