D1 – Goodwill Committee


Membership on the ACBL Goodwill Committee is a lifetime appointment. This Committee is composed of all past and present appointees and Members at large. Members at large are District Directors, Chairmen of the Board of Governors, Honorary Members, and “ACBL Goodwill Members of the Year.”

2022: Randy Bennett, St John’s NL
Bill Wheeler, Ottawa ON

2021: Luc Dufour,  Québec PQ
Ronald Duplisea, Long Reach NB
Paul Schmaltz, Beaconsfield QC

2021: Leo Cinq Mars, St Eustache QC
Gérard Côté, Jonquière QC
Jurek Czyzowic, Gatineau QC

2020: Robert Williams, Halifax NS
Bob Zeller, Kanata ON
France Roy-Dion, Québec PQ

Previous Goodwill committee appointments dating back to 1955.

The Chair of the ACBL Goodwill Committee is elected by the ACBL Board of Directors for a three-year term. The current ACBL Goodwill Committee Chair is Sandra DeMartino (2017).

The Goodwill Committee Chair names seven Assistant Chairs to serve concurrently. The Assistant Chairs represent ACBL’s geographic areas, which are: East, South, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest, Eastern Canada, and (with the Manitoba-Ontario border as the dividing point) Western Canada.

Every calendar year each member of the ACBL Board of Directors appoints up to two ACBL members to the Goodwill Committee. Each District Director may also make up to two additional appointments to fill District vacancies created by deaths of prior appointees.


The ACBL Goodwill Committee and its individual members work to create goodwill for ACBL. They receive, convey, and act on suggestions for the betterment of ACBL, particularly in the areas of active ethics, conduct, tournament conditions, bridge for Juniors, and bridge for the handicapped.

Annually, the Goodwill Committee Chairs recommend to the ACBL Board of Directors their choice for the “ACBL Goodwill Member of the Year” award from among nominations received from ACBL unit organizations.

The ACBL Goodwill Committee sponsors the ACBL’s Active Ethics program, which educates ACBL members to the highest standards of conduct and propriety.


All members of the ACBL Goodwill Committee receive, and are thereafter entitled to wear, the official Goodwill Committee pin. Replacement pins are available to members at ACBL’s cost.


ACBL awards the title “ACBL Goodwill Member of the Year” to an ACBL member who has exhibited unselfish dedication to the causes of good conduct, worthy participation, and ethical behavior.

ACBL inscribes the honoree’s name on a permanent plaque, which it keeps at its headquarters. ACBL sends a replica of the plaque to the honoree. ACBL also sends a “Proclamation of Goodwill” to each person nominated for the honor.


The ACBL Goodwill Committee slogan is “It is nice to be important but more important to be nice.”


The ACBL Goodwill Committee takes an active part in making bridge available to the hearing impaired.

A Goodwill Day is held at each NABC. Each player playing that day is given a small gift as a reminder to practice goodwill.

The ACBL Goodwill Committee, together with the ACBL Education Department, hosts the Junior Day reception between sessions usually on the first Saturday of each NABC.

The ACBL Goodwill Committee chairman host a between sessions reception for all members of the Committee on Goodwill Day at each NABC.

The Goodwill Committee issues proclamations of goodwill at each NABC.

Eastern Canadian Bridge District

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